

Welcome to Young Filming and Black!

As a student at the Art Institute of Atlanta I interned with Black Women In Radio - an organization responsible for archiving the contributions of African American Women in Radio at the Library of Congress and Legion M, a fan based production company that includes it's investors and followers in the development process through innovative technology like MPulse and Film Scout (featured at prominent Festivals like Sundance, SXSW, The Austin FiIm Festival and a Comic Con near you) .

We are a force of proud auteurpreners united to advance a cultural revolution built on truth, accuracy and the demythologization of the American legend. We develop, train and empower young artists of color, women over 40 and female veterans through film and art. Our movement conveys the rich historical contributions of women and people of color through art, historical and cultural education.

O. Seantelle White

CEO & Visionary

Who we serve

We are a social enterprise committed to championing social impact through media, historical education and entertainment. We foster cultural diversity, artist's equity, and radical inclusion (above the line) in film, arts, and literature.

Auteurpreneurs are the clients we serve.

We feature programs that cater to veterans, women over 40 and young people of color.

Are U An


Auteurs are talent and storytellers who need more experience and credits to showcase their talents. Auteurs can teach a class or skill as well as pitch projects for experiential learning.

calling all


Stewards are members of the community who support our objectives by contributing time, talent and/or treasure.

BE A good


recent projects

The lie of you

I’m Different

The lie of you CAst

Aaneah Jamison

As Vee

Leon “Slim”

As Ray

Shavonne Monique

As Aaliyah

O. Seantelle White

Producer; Writer; director

Ariel Greene;

CoProducer; COmposer; Contributor

Dan Quigley Jr.

Director of Photography

Wori Dioh

Co Editir; Script Supervosor

The lie of you crew


J. Sterling Lee

Opertions and tech

victoria Simmons

Retired Exec

40+ Women’s Advocate

Ariel verses


Lyrical Genius





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